Your Connection to New Zealand's Wellness Community

A place to connect, heal, learn and be inspired by wellness

Welcome to Consciously Living! Now that you are here, grab a cuppa and take a look around as there is some awesome work Wellness Providers are doing in our communities throughout Aotearoa. Whether you are a wellness provider or interested in your wellbeing and that of others close to you, Consciously Living is your one-stop shop to all things wellness.
With a broad range of topics ranging from massage & yoga to sustainable living & growers, you can be sure to be supported wherever you are so that you may live a long & healthy lifestyle. Help us grow and be the best we can be for ourselves, each other and Aotearoa because wellness is everyone's right!

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~ New to Consciously Living ~

Life is precious, therefore let us make a conscious choice every day to nurture, nourish, love and care for life.

Know of an event happening in your community?

We are excited to learn about any events you have been to before or are planning on trying out, as this means we can share more conscious events with our communities.

We can all support Wellness in Aotearoa.

When a community of people decide to care, it’s incredible what can be done.

~ Let’s support one another ~
If you know of a provider that is helping you, your family or community and would benefit from being on this site,
get in touch.

~ Your voice has value ~
Share your ideas, experience & thoughts in order to help improve the wellness of Aotearoa. It is community voices that direct our actions.

~ Become a member (it’s free!) ~
Increase support and awareness for Wellness in Aotearoa, because by signing up you are showing you care & helping us strengthen our wellness community.

Insights from our Wellness Providers

Aug 20
Is motivation holding you back?

There are many reasons why we can lose motivation, feel stuck or even start sabotaging our efforts.  After talking with clients I have come up with some reasons and some potential solutions that may help to get you moving again – that is if that’s what you’re meant to be doing….. Fear – Even if […]

Nov 27
5 ways to incorporate Almond Butter

5 ways to incorporate Almond Butter into your diet Almonds are a delicious tree nut, often described as one of nature’s healthiest foods. They’re packed with protein, heart-healthy fats and fibre. Almonds offer a good source of important minerals and vitamins. Some of these include: Minerals • Magnesium• Calcium• Iron• Selenium Vitamins • Vitamins B2 […]

Aug 30
Live Green – Gift Green with Tree Gifts

The Gift that Counts! Back in 2004 (yep, 20 years ago!), we found ourselves needing to send a sympathy gift to a friend across NZ. What could we send? Maybe flowers, but wouldn’t they already have a house full of them? In NZ and around the world, fresh flowers are traditionally seen as the go […]

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