A Business Support Network

Let’s work together.

There are times when we all need a helping hand

At Consciously Living we’re developing a business support network that you can call on when you need assistance.

We’re bringing together people with the skills, knowledge and experience to help you develop your business and the wellness business community as a whole.

When we’re feeling overwhelmed, needing business advice or help with the paperwork, accounts, marketing, the website, employment or systems, it’s good to know help is at hand.

~ What's on offer ~

Mentoring support for young business owner


Business experts to guide you through short-long term projects, as well as individual and group personal development goals.

specialists supporting services that can empower people and a business


Specialists to support your business, including web design, marketing, finance, human resources, systems & processes.

Workplace Wellness

Enhancing the roles and pathways of people within your business, as well as supporting your workspace environment.

people supporting each other towards a joint goal

People Development

Empowering your people to be everyday leaders within their own lives and leading a life of passionate endeavours aligned to their values.

people support growth of a business like a plant

Business Development

Our business experts will utilize their knowledge & skills to further develop your business and support in making your vision a reality.

Group of people at a support event for business


Monthly opportunities to learn and grow as a collective by sharing insights through local events, talks, podcasts, Q & A's to help strengthen your business.

We're here to help - Get in touch!

a group of volunteers supporting a community gardening project
Like nature nurtures us, let us tend to your needs

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